Monday 20 August 2012

Tips for people with thin hair

Yes i know if you are a person out there who has thin hair and is dreaming of having luscious and thick hair well this will give u all the tips i use to volumise my hair.

1. Try not to brush your hair to vigorously as it will snap your hair and it will become thinner. Especially don't do this when your hair is wet as your hair is very fragile when wet.

2. Try not to tease your hair to often as this is bad for your hair.

3. Use a volumising shampoo. I am not at the moment, i am using the mega shampoo (silly me for not sticking to my own rules).

4. If you have quite oily hair, try not using conditioner because it might make your hair very greasy as it does to mine. And when most of you wash your hair you put conditioner all over your head. Well that is not the way through this, you should only put conditioner (if you need it) in the strands and end of your hair.

5. Finally when you get your hair cut always think about the consequences of this new doo. Because one time i didn't and came out of the hairdressers with a block fringe which did not suit me or my hair at all, as my hair is thin all of my hair split into there own little groups so it did not look like a block fridge at all.

Because our hair is thin we don't want to put loads and loads of product into our hair cause it will weigh it down and make it look kinda greasy i know it is gross. But it has to be said me and holly have seen some bad hair days but we stick to these routines for our own hair and we have never see a bad hair day since.

I hope these tips helped.
Mimi xx

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